

The FeeDistributor.vy contract allows users to claim APW locking rewards.

FeeDistributor Methods


Claim fees for _addr.

def claim(_addr: address = msg.sender) -> uint256

Each call to claim look at a maximum of 50 user veAPW points. For accounts with many veAPW related actions, this function may need to be called more than once to claim all available fees. In the Claimed event that fires, if claim_epoch is less than max_epoch, the account may claim again.


Make multiple fee claims in a single call.

def claim_many(_receivers: address[20]) -> bool

Used to claim for many accounts at once, or to make multiple claims for the same address when that address has significant veAPW history.


Updates the token checkpoint.

def checkpoint_token()

Calculates the total number of tokens to be distributed in a given week. During setup for the initial distribution this function is only callable by the contract owner. Beyond initial distro, it can be enabled for anyone to call.


Update the veAPW total supply checkpoint.

def checkpoint_total_supply()

The checkpoint is also updated by the first claimant each new epoch week. This function may be called independently of a claim, to reduce claiming gas costs.

View Methods


Get the veAPW balance for _user at _timestamp

def ve_for_at(_user: address, _timestamp: uint256) -> uint256

Last updated